
Humanin is a micropeptide encoded by MT-RNA2, a 16SRNA gene in the mitochondrial genome, which prevents synapse loss in hippocampal neurons and is neuroprotective.


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Humanin Other names:formyl humanin,Protein Humanin (human),RNR2, mitochondrially encoded 16S RNA, MTRNR2

  • CAS:330936-69-1
  • Chemical Formula: C119H204N34O32S2
  • Molecular weight: 2687.2 g/mol
  • Form: white lyophilized powder.
  • Shelf life: 8 months at room temperature, 18 months at -20℃.
  • Delivery time: 4-6 working days worldwide.
  • Packing: 10 bottles per box
  • Humanin Manufacturer/Factory: MOL changes Biotechnology Co. LTD
  • Humanin For Sale Humanin

What is Humanin?

Humanin is a mitochondria-derived uranyl, released by glutathione cells and present under physiological conditions in neural zigzag cells of the brain; its structure contains a triangular alpha helix that is asymmetric, and it appears to be cytoprotective in vitro and in animal models.

Senescence is the process of cellular aging in all multicellular organisms, characterized by a decline in cellular function and proliferation leading to an increase in cellular damage and death, conditions that play an important role in the aging process and significantly contribute to the development of age-related complications.


How does Humanin work?

Humanin is a short Humanin consisting of 21 or 24 amino acids (depending on the gate or fibronectin translation, respectively), which was discovered in 2001 by the Nishimoto lab in a screen for neurotransmitters to inhibit pathological β-amino acid mutant-induced cell death in Alzheimer’s disease, and is one of nine (and the first discovered) MDPs, each of which has been shown to have a wide range of cytoprotective or metabolism-protective properties, encoded by a short ORF (open reading box) sequence located within the 16S nucleoside RNA gene MTRNR2

What are the benefits of Humanin peptides?

Humanin has been shown to have neuroprotective effects, which may make it a promising candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Mitochondrial toxicity is associated with longevity, and MDPs can cause a variety of cellular effects; Humanin is one of nine MDPs that can be effective in anti-aging.

It can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress that can interfere with the development of cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.

Maintains normal mitochondrial function:
Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to many health problems, including neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity.

Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD):
Researchers have found that Alzheimer’s patients have much lower levels of Humanin and much higher levels of Humanin, which could prevent other mutated genes that cause inherited AD in cord blood samples from newborns.

Reduced ischemic and reperfusion stress:
Stroke, myocardial infarction, etc. cause many different stresses such as oxidative stress, hypoxia, etc., and Humanin helps to reduce the stress caused by ischemia and reperfusion.
