
Pinealon is a synthetic peptide that promotes central nervous function and is beneficial in the treatment of cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.


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Pinealon Other names:Glutamylaspartylarginine, T-33 peptide

  • CAS:175175-23-2
  • Chemical Formula: C15H26N6O8
  • Molecular weight: 418.407 g/mol
  • Form: white lyophilized powder.
  • Shelf life: 8 months at room temperature, 18 months at -20℃.
  • Delivery time: 4-6 working days worldwide.
  • Packing: 10 bottles per box
  • Pinealon Manufacturer/Factory: MOL changes Biotechnology Co. LTD
  • Pinealon For Sale Pinealon

What is Pinealon?

Pinealon is a synthetic peptide that interacts with DNA to alter levels of gene expression. It helps protect several cell types, including neurons and other cells, by having the shortest and most active peptide chain, consisting of only three amino acids (arginine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid) and by protecting against hypoxia.


How does Pinealon work?

Pinealon is thought to help peptide deficiencies by promoting protein synthesis.Pinealon delivers amino acids to brain tissue, directly affecting the DNA structure of brain cells.

Pinealon amino acids repair the proteins that keep cells together by replacing obsolete or damaged molecules in the DNA structure. Normal brain function is conferred by the reconstructed DNA structure.

As mentioned earlier, the Pinealon peptide is a man-made molecule that is being studied for potential health purposes, and this drug is extracted from the brains of growing animals.


What are the benefits of  Pinealon peptides?

Pinealon benefits include influencing sleep and wakefulness behaviors, and according to research, it helps regulate dysfunction caused by travel, shift work, and other activities that disrupt the usual sleep cycle, Sleep deprivation affects mood, heart health, cognition, wound healing, and other physiological processes, and Pinealon can help to reduce the consequences of poor sleep and counteract the aging process.

Pinealon peptide has been shown in brain cortex cell studies to modify epigenetics and promote 5-tryptophan hydroxylase. The enzyme 5-tryptophan hydroxylase makes it difficult to make and release serotonin, and SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) antidepressants also target the signaling molecule, a drug that has many adverse effects; however, by increasing serotonin levels, Pinealon therapy can help with depression and anxiety while also reducing the adverse effects.

Brain protection
Pinealon has been shown in animal studies to protect neurons from oxidative damage. It protects cognitive function and motor coordination in this way. According to some studies, rats reduced the accumulation of oxygen and the number of necrotic cells.
