
Testagen A synthetic custom peptide.




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Testagen Structure
  • Sequence:/
  • CAS Number:/
  • Molecular Formula:C17H29N5O9
  • Molecular Weight: 447.2 g/mol
What is Testagen?

Testagen, as the name implies, is a bioregulatory peptide that promotes testosterone. Like many short peptides, Testagen crosses cell and nuclear membranes and interacts directly with DNA. Studies have shown that Testagen stimulates the anterior pituitary gland, increasing the release of thyroid stimulating hormones and ultimately T3 and T4 thyroid hormones. The fact that it can do this even in the absence of pituitary support suggests that it directly alters the expression patterns of proteins in the pituitary gland, a function that could explain its effect on testosterone levels. Finally, because Testagen 20mg affects the pituitary gland, it has effects on hemostasis and immunity, although these effects are not as pronounced as its effects on thyrotropin levels and testosterone.

Testagen Effects
Testagen 20 mg and the immune system

Dr. Vladimir Khavinson’s research has shown that the peptide is able to penetrate cell and nuclear membranes and interact directly with DNA. This epigenetic regulation of gene expression extends to the genes responsible for cell differentiation.Dr. Khavinson demonstrated that Testagen 20mg helps to promote the differentiation of stem cells into cells of the immune system, suggesting that the peptide may have a potentially positive benefit on immune function. This function is particularly useful for older adults experiencing aging and loss of cell differentiation secondary to chromatin condensation.

Due to its effects on the immune system, Testagen can be said to have anti-aging properties. By improving immune function and immune surveillance, Testagen may help to reduce the risk of a number of autoimmune diseases as well as cancers that increase in prevalence with age. It is important to note that immune function is often associated with thyroid function, and low thyroid hormone levels are often associated with increased risk of infection and poor immunity.The effect of Testagen 20mg on thyroid hormone levels may be secondary to its beneficial effects on immune function.


Testosterone and Blood Clotting

Dr. Boris Kuznik, now retired, has done some preliminary work with Dr. Khavinson on the role of Testagen and similar peptides in the blood system. His expertise in coagulation, which is not a function of the immune system per se but is closely related and to some extent influenced by the thyroid gland, prompted him to explore Testagen’s ability to improve hemostasis (clotting). Early studies have shown Testagen to be useful in this context and, in fact, it may be able to normalize hemostasis in certain disease conditions.


Testagen Summary

Testagen is a short bioregulatory peptide that acts primarily on the pituitary gland and ultimately on the thyroid gland. As a result of its action on these two glands, Testagen is able to normalize the production of testosterone and thyroid hormones in certain conditions. By normalizing thyroid hormone production, Testagen has a moderate effect on the immune system. In these cases, Testagen can conveniently be thought of as resetting the pituitary gland to a more youthful state, thus acting as an anti-aging peptide.Testagen is being investigated for its ability to increase testosterone levels, improve thyroid hormone function, and stimulate the differentiation of stem cells in the immune system to improve immune function.

Referenced Citations
  1. B. I. Kuznik, A. V. Pateiuk, N. S. Rusaeva, L. M. Baranchugova, and V. I. Obydenko, “[Effects of hypophyseal Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly synthetic peptides on immunity, hemostasis, morphology and functions of the thyroid gland in neonatally hypophysectomized chicken and one-year-old birds],” Patol. Fiziol. Eksp. Ter., no. 1, pp. 14–18, Mar. 2010.
  2. B. I. Kuznik, A. V. Pateiuk, N. S. Rusaeva, L. M. Baranchugova, and V. I. Obydenko, “[Effects of Lys-Glu-Asp-Gly and Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly peptides on hormonal activity and thyroid morphology in hypophysectomized mature and old birds],” Adv. Gerontol. Uspekhi Gerontol., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 93–98, 2011.
  3. A. W. Meikle, “The interrelationships between thyroid dysfunction and hypogonadism in men and boys,” Thyroid Off. J. Am. Thyroid Assoc., vol. 14 Suppl 1, pp. S17-25, 2004, doi: 10.1089/105072504323024552.
  4. L. I. Fedoreyeva, I. I. Kireev, V. K. Khavinson, and B. F. Vanyushin, “Penetration of short fluorescence-labeled peptides into the nucleus in HeLa cells and in vitro specific interaction of the peptides with deoxyribooligonucleotides and DNA,” Biochem. Biokhimii͡a, vol. 76, no. 11, Art. no. 11, Nov. 2011, doi: 10.1134/S0006297911110022.
  5. V. Khavinson, N. Linkova, A. Diatlova, and S. Trofimova, “Peptide Regulation of Cell Differentiation,” Stem Cell Rev. Rep., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 118–125, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1007/s12015-019-09938-8.


In no way does this doctor/scientist endorse or advocate the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. MOL Changes has no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, with this physician. The purpose of citing this doctor is to acknowledge, acknowledge and commend the exhaustive research and development work done by the scientists working on this peptide.

Manufacturer Information

  • Testagen is manufactured by MOL Changes factory.
  • Testagen supplier MOL Changes.
  • Maximum acceptable production volume: 100000 bottles.
  • Content standard: net peptide.
  • Purity: ≥98% for all products.
  • Customization: 1mg-1g size customization is acceptable