FOXO4-DRI,D-Retro-Inverso (DRI) is a standard FOXO4 protein synthesized to prevent normal FOXO4 from binding to p53, thereby eliminating senescent cells and improving organ function and the “biological age” of young tissues.


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FOXO4-DRI-powder Other names:Forkhead box O transcription factor 4-D-Retro-Inverso, Proxofim, D-Retro Inverso Forkhead box protein O4, FOXO4-D-retro-inverso

  • CAS:2460055-10-9
  • Chemical Formula: C228H388N86O64
  • Molecular weight: 5358.05 g/mol
  • Form: white lyophilized powder.
  • Shelf life: 8 months at room temperature, 18 months at -20℃.
  • Delivery time: 4-6 working days worldwide.
  • Packing: 10 bottles per box
  • FOXO4-DRI-powder Manufacturer/Factory: MOL Changes Biotechnology Co. LTD
  • FOXO4-DRI-powder For Sale FOXO4-DRI-powder

What is FOXO4-DRI?

FOXO4-DRI is a synthetic peptide designed to block the interaction between two proteins that are involved in maintaining the viability of senescent (aging) cells. By preventing FOXO4 from targeting p53 to the nucleus, FOXO4-DRI allows p53 to induce apoptosis (cell death) in these senescent cells.

FOXO4-DRI affects a variety of cellular processes including insulin signaling, cell cycle regulation, and oxidative stress signaling pathways, and it is a cell-penetrating peptide, which means that it can enter the cell and exert its effects from the inside, and has been shown in animal studies to selectively induce apoptosis in senescent cells, thus potentially reversing some of the effects of aging.


How does FOXO4-DRI work?

FOXO4-DRI is a peptide thought to have the potential to selectively target and eliminate senescent cells, which are cells that enter a state of irreversible growth arrest and are associated with aging and age-related diseases, and the mechanism of action of FOXO4-DRI is designed to specifically target these senescent cells while preserving the healthy cells, primarily through the use of D-amino acids rather than L-amino acids. Here is how FOXO4-DRI works:

Selective penetration of senescent cells
FOXO4-DRI is designed using a specific D-amino acid sequence that makes it more resistant to enzymatic degradation and protein metabolism, and this peptide is thought to have an enhanced ability to penetrate senescent cells compared to normal, healthy cells.

Disruption of the FOXO4-p53 interaction
In senescent cells, there is an interaction between FOXO4 and p53, two important proteins involved in the regulation of cell growth and senescence, and FOXO4-DRI is thought to block the binding and interaction between FOXO4 and p53. This disruption may interfere with the maintenance of senescent cell viability.


What are the benefits of  FOXO4-DRI peptides?

FOXO4-DRI is a transcription factor and a member of the FOXO protein family. FOXO proteins are known to regulate various cellular processes through transcriptional activity, and FOXO4 in particular plays several important roles in cells. Some of its key functions include:

Regulation of gene expression
FOXO4 regulates the transcription (gene expression) of many target genes. These target genes are involved in a wide range of cellular processes, including metabolism, cell cycle control, apoptosis (programmed cell death), oxidative stress response, and DNA repair, and by controlling the expression of these genes, FOXO4 contributes to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and response to environmental stresses.

Cell cycle regulation
FOXO4 can affect the cell cycle by regulating the expression of genes that control cell division. It can induce cell cycle arrest, which is a temporary stop in the cell cycle that allows cells to repair DNA damage or respond to other cellular signals before undergoing cell division.

FOXO4 is involved in apoptosis, a programmed cell death process that activates the expression of genes that promote apoptosis, allowing cells to undergo controlled cell death when necessary. This is important for removing damaged or potentially harmful cells from the body.

FOXO4 plays a role in metabolic regulation by affecting the expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and insulin signaling, which can help maintain glucose homeostasis and respond to changes in nutritional availability.

Oxidative Stress
FOXO4 is part of the cellular response to oxidative stress, which occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the cell’s ability to detoxify them, and FOXO4 activates genes that enhance cellular antioxidant defenses to counteract oxidative damage.


